Tuesday 17 August 2010

Ritalin hotfix for Maya 2011

Apparently there is yet another bug in Maya 2011.
This one causes "contextInfo" to fail in certain situations (it throws a Maya Command Error, to be more precise).
The bug has been logged with Autodesk as #365264.
Until Autodesk finds time and will to fix this on their end I found a way to work around it and updated Ritalin to version 1.5. No new features have been added, this is really just a "bug fix".

Get it here: http://keyvis-dev.googlecode.com/files/RitalinForMaya_2011_1.5.zip

It seems to work well for me now, please give it a try and let me know if you still get errors and/or flushed undo stacks.


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